With Cyclone Alessia approaching the Top End, TIO has activated plans to ensure it ready to respond to potential customer claims.
Insurance General Manger Michael Hoare said staff would be ready and available should the cyclone or associated flooding cause any damage.
“It is too late to update insurance for this event but there is still much Territorians can do to ensure they are ready,” Michael said.
“People’s homes should now be prepared and they should be familiar with their family emergency plan.
“We hope this cyclone causes no damage, but we are ready to respond if it does.”
In addition to having an emergency plan, Top Enders should:
· Know where to go and what to do in the case of storm surge or flooding
· Have their emergency kit prepared with portable radio, fresh batteries, non-perishable food, water and enclosed footwear. Don’t forget special medical or baby needs.
· Have loose items secured and a safe place to protect personal belongings, photographs and documents.
· Care for friends and neighbours.
For more information visit www.tiofi.com.au or call 1300 301 833.
Media enquiries – Tracy Jones on 0407 727 813
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