Alice Water Smart ambassador Andy Hood, who is also manager of AFL Central Australia is keen to see even more businesses save water and is offering the first ten businesses who sign up for a free Water Efficiency Consultation in 2013, two tickets each to the Indigenous All-stars Exhibition Match on 8 February.
“In the past 12 months, businesses have identified savings that will reduce their water use by around 314 million litres, enough to fill 143 Alice Springs Aquatic Centre pools.”
“The Alice Water Smart team is already working with around 40 Alice organisations and has a limited number of free Consultations available for 2013”, says Andy Hood.
“Businesses have a lot to gain from a water efficiency audit of their business as it helps owners and employees get a better understanding of where all their water is going, how much is wasted through leaks and what they can do to save water.”
“Alice Water Smart can provide cost estimates of implementing water saving measures, the actual water that will be saved and the payback period. They’ll also guide them through an action plan with up to three hours of free consultancy available.”
Alice Water Smart Homes and Business program manager Liz Locksley says that since water price rises kicked in on 1 January, the case for saving water is even more compelling and can help businesses keep their bills under control.”
“Saving hot water also saves electricity through hot water heating. Most people think that energy is more expensive than water, but they don’t really think about the link between them.”
To register your interest and book a free Water Efficiency Consultation contact Hayley at or phone 8953 1030.
Alice Water Smart is a comprehensive set of projects helping Alice Springs residents to save 1600 million litres of water over two years - equivalent to two months average water supply.
Alice Water Smart is supported by the Australian Government’s Water for the Future initiative. The Homes and Business project is proudly delivered by the Arid Lands Environment Centre.
For further information contact Laurelle Halford from Creative Territory on 0417 222 211 or