Thursday, June 07, 2012

Young Territorians wanted for national survey

Mission Australia is calling on young Territorians to help highlight important issues in their lives by taking part in the charity’s 2012 Youth Survey – the nation’s leading annual stocktake of the views, concerns and values of young people between the ages of 15-19.

In launching the 2012 survey, Mission Australia’s NT Director, Phillip Leslie, said it gave young people a voice across a range of issues with the information being used to help community groups and governments plan and develop youth services.

“Mission Australia’s annual national youth survey is a ‘temperature check’ on what young people are feeling, what issues concern them, what they think are the main challenges facing the nation and how optimistic they are about the future,” said Mr Leslie.

“Responses to the survey help governments, youth agencies and ourselves improve and develop programs and strategies that are shaped by the voices of young people themselves.”

When asked to rank their personal concerns from 15 issues, NT participants in last year’s survey believed school/study problems was the most pressing issue, placed in the top three by 33.0 per cent of respondents.

This was followed by body image at 28.6 per cent and family conflict at 28.1 per cent.

Concern for school/study problems among young Territorians increased by more than 17 per cent since the 2009 survey.

“Young people’s concerns can be quite volatile – moving around from year to year – so it’s important we conduct this survey annually to obtain an accurate picture.

“The range of concerns – from school to stress, family conflict and body image – also suggest young people are facing increased challenges as they make the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

“We’ve also taken the opportunity to refresh the survey – now in its 11th year – and make it more relevant than ever.

“In addition to the questions we’ve asked every survey, this year we’re also asking young Territorians for their thoughts on their financial situation, family connectedness, neighbourhood safety and health,” said Mr Leslie.

Mission Australia’s 2012 Youth Survey can be completed online:

The survey closes on Friday, 27 July with the results to be published later this year.


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